Thursday, July 9, 2009

we're not dead. yet.

Yes, we know, it's been about five months -cringes-
but we're not dead, we promise!
expect a few awesome posts soon! (:
T & S

Sunday, February 1, 2009

don't forget the glass slipper

so i had my vervegirl shoot, which was oh so much fun! the shoot was for the prom special: hair, makeup, and fabulous dresses! there were four girls including myself, and we each had a special fairytale character inspired theme. my inspiration was cinderella.

crinoline, crinoline, crinoline! and there's more where that came from.

i was dressed in this beautiful white gown stuffed with crazy amounts of crinoline. my hair had been backcombed and pinned back in order for it to be stuffable. this is where the stylists had their fun and accessorized my hair with gorgeous embellishments such as flowers and pearls.

there was only one component left to complete the cinderella look, the infamous shoes - chucks.

say what?

i know. i was quite puzzled myself, but the final look was fabulous!

the other girls were great and a lot of fun. two were from ford and one from sutherland. i was told that the issue should be coming out some time in february, or was it march?

either way i'm really looking forward to the release date! i'll be sure to update you all on the whole vervegirl status - i hope you're as excited as i am!

have a fabulous weekend (well, what's left of it!)

Ciao =)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the call

alright, so the other day i had a casting downtown for vervegirl magazine. i talked to some of the other models, and they were all pretty cool. the thing was that a lot of these girls had beyond brilliantly put together portfolios, where as mine, well, can you say amateur!

anyway so i sat, i waited, i chatted, i got called in, i shook hands, i sat. as the casting director was looking through my book i was quite pleased to see that she looked very, well, pleased. we chatted a bit and then i thanked her, shook hands once more, went on my way out the office, down the elevator, into the freezing snowy weather, and into my dad's amazingly warm car.

aaahhhh, how i've miss you my lovely, snuggly uggs.

i got dropped off at osgoode station and started my wonderful hour-and-a-half-long-journey to school. i ended up making great time, getting there half way through lunch. just enough time to wind down with my friends, not to mention my hilarious and super gorgeous boyfriend before class.

so eventually the 3 o'clock bell was destined to hit, and the boyfriend and i were on our way home when i got the message.

hey S call me back as soon as possible.

i called my agent back and:

hey S! i've got some news for you, guess who got their first job with elite!
